Facade/entrance in Thala Beach Nature Reserve

Thala Beach Nature Reserve


オークビーチのプライベートロードに位置するThala Beach Nature Reserveは、オーストラリアのクイーンズランド州ポートダグラスの活気ある市中心部からわずか7.8マイルの場所にある4つ星の宝石です。豊かな緑と穏やかな風景に囲まれたこの自然保護区は、自然の中心で平和な隠れ家を求める旅行者にとって静かな逃避を提供します。

贅沢と自然環境が調和したユニークな設定を誇るThala Beach Nature Reserveは、ゲストに忘れられない滞在を約束します。レビューはまだ収集されていませんが、その隠れた場所と美しい周囲の魅力は、自然愛好者や冒険者にとって魅力的な選択肢となっています。オークビーチの魅力的な美しさが目の前に広がり、ゲストはオーストラリアの自然の美しさに浸ることができます。

自然の中でリラックスしたい方や近くのグレートバリアリーフの驚異を探求したい方にとって、Thala Beach Nature Reserveはクイーンズランドの休暇に最適な拠点を提供します。熱帯雨林と海の景色と音に囲まれながら、4つ星ホテルの快適さを体験してください。都市生活の喧騒から離れた静かな避難所であるこのユニークなリトリートは、オーストラリアの最も美しい地域の一つで魅力的な滞在を提供します。

Property building in Thala Beach Nature Reserve
Facade/entrance in Thala Beach Nature Reserve


Bungalow with Sea View in Thala Beach Nature Reserve


1 キングサイズベッド


485 平方フィート

バンガロー, キングサイズ, 海の景色





Standard Bungalow in Thala Beach Nature Reserve


1 キングサイズベッド


485 平方フィート

バンガロー, キングサイズ





Birdwing Suite in Thala Beach Nature Reserve


1 クイーンサイズベッド


645 平方フィート

Birdwing Suite






美味しいダイニング体験を求めるゲストのために、Thala Beach Nature Reserve では、敷地内にオスプレイのレストランを提供しています。オーストラリア料理の最高を紹介する革新的なメニューで知られるこのレストランは、コーラル海を見渡す魅力的な景色を提供します。朝食から夕食まで、ゲストは新鮮な地元の食材やシーフードを楽しみながら、周囲の息をのむような景色を堪能できます。よりカジュアルな雰囲気を求める方には、プールサイドでリフレッシュできるカクテルや軽食を楽しむのに最適なスポットであるサンドバーがあります。

自然愛好家は、Thala Beach Nature Reserve が58ヘクタール以上の原生林を含み、多様な野生動物の生息地であることを発見して喜ぶことでしょう。ゲストは、知識豊富な自然主義者が案内するガイド付きの散策に参加し、この熱帯の楽園に見られる独特の植物や動物についての洞察を得ることができます。また、敷地はオークビーチへの直接アクセスを提供しており、ゲストは砂浜で日光浴をしたり、コーラル海の透き通った水でリフレッシュすることができます。

ゲスト体験をさらに向上させるために、Thala Beach Nature Reserve には古代アボリジニの方法に触発されたリジュビネイティングスパトリートメントを提供するウェルネスセンターがあります。リラックスできるマッサージでくつろぎたい方や、リフレッシュできるフェイシャルで自分を甘やかしたい方にとって、スパは心と体をリラックスさせるための静かな聖域を提供します。ホリスティックなウェルビーイングに焦点を当て、ゲストは静けさの世界に浸り、リフレッシュして活力を取り戻すことができます。

Facade/entrance in Thala Beach Nature Reserve
Facade/entrance in Thala Beach Nature Reserve










Bathroom in Thala Beach Nature Reserve
Bathroom in Thala Beach Nature Reserve



Swimming pool in Thala Beach Nature Reserve
Lobby or reception in Thala Beach Nature Reserve


Osprey’s Restaurant


Food close-up in Thala Beach Nature Reserve
Restaurant/places to eat in Thala Beach Nature Reserve
View (from property/room), Bed in Thala Beach Nature Reserve
Incredibly peaceful property. Ideal place to detox, unwind, take in the local natural beauty of the rainforest and the beaches. Staff are very friendly and hospitable.. The Day Spa was as relaxing as it was timely to speed up the ability to unwind on our arrival. The team here are really good at what they do. Restaurant is super casual, but don’t let that fool you. The menus offered for lunch and dinner are sublime, quite Eurocentric in its presentation, but given it is so well done, it works. Memorable meals include the Sous Vide Duck, the freshly shucked oysters, the seafood used, the desserts - especially the panna cotta. There are a couple of rock pools on the property. if you use the one near the main building, you get to enjoy Crocodile Spring Rolls - which were a bit of fun to have with a cocktail. Prices are good value, rooms are set in beautiful natural areas - some with forest views, some with water views. Go for the water views if you can, it is worth it to wake up to it each morning. Port Douglas is a little over 15 minutes drive north, and Palm Cove about 30 minutes south.


This was an incredibly beautiful and soul-soothing place to stay. The decades of work the owner has put into rehabilitating this area is inspiring. The grounds were gorgeous, the cabin was beautiful (and we had one of the less expensive ones), the bed was comfortable and the staff were amazing. The restaurant was just gorgeous with a beautiful view. We saw some wallabies whilst walking around the property and plenty of what my husband now refers to as "reef chickens" building their mounds. I loved that there was a bit of a breeze there. The property is up a little higher than some areas around there.


Wow! I read some negative views and shortened my stay based upon they. I regret that. This was such a beautiful place. Waking up in the morning to the sounds of tropical birds was so relaxing. The staff were over the top with their hospitality. I cannot recommend this place more. Do not read the negative reviews. They are simply inaccurate. One was about walking around at night which we enjoyed as it is so beautiful however the staff is always circling in a cart to drive guests around if they do not want to walk.


we enjoyed the bliss of being accommodated in a forest setting. so many lizards and birds to see, plenty of places to walk, beautiful beaches, rock pools, mangrove’s etc. you could hangout and read a book in a hammock strung up between coconut trees and then drink a coconut rum cocktail out of the coconut by the pool. the restaurant was really cool, it had semi panoramic veiws of the cliffs and mountains falling into the coral sea. great massage. i also liked the cove.


The exclusivity and private bungalow per guest was very nicely laid out. With golf buggy’s available to take you around the property 24/7. Along with the beds in the rooms are so comfy, and to wake up to the birdlife is such a nice way to start your days. Really wish my partner and I had’ve booked longer to make the most of the whole Port Douglas area with so many tours/experiences & day trips on offer.


Incredibly peaceful property. Ideal place to detox, unwind, take in the local natural beauty of the rainforest and the beaches. Staff are very friendly and hospitable.. The Day Spa was as relaxing as it was timely to speed up the ability to unwind on our arrival. The team here are really good at what they do. Restaurant is super casual, but don’t let that fool you. The menus offered for lunch and dinner are sublime, quite Eurocentric in its presentation, but given it is so well done, it works. Memorable meals include the Sous Vide Duck, the freshly shucked oysters, the seafood used, the desserts - especially the panna cotta. There are a couple of rock pools on the property. if you use the one near the main building, you get to enjoy Crocodile Spring Rolls - which were a bit of fun to have with a cocktail. Prices are good value, rooms are set in beautiful natural areas - some with forest views, some with water views. Go for the water views if you can, it is worth it to wake up to it each morning. Port Douglas is a little over 15 minutes drive north, and Palm Cove about 30 minutes south.


This was an incredibly beautiful and soul-soothing place to stay. The decades of work the owner has put into rehabilitating this area is inspiring. The grounds were gorgeous, the cabin was beautiful (and we had one of the less expensive ones), the bed was comfortable and the staff were amazing. The restaurant was just gorgeous with a beautiful view. We saw some wallabies whilst walking around the property and plenty of what my husband now refers to as "reef chickens" building their mounds. I loved that there was a bit of a breeze there. The property is up a little higher than some areas around there.


Wow! I read some negative views and shortened my stay based upon they. I regret that. This was such a beautiful place. Waking up in the morning to the sounds of tropical birds was so relaxing. The staff were over the top with their hospitality. I cannot recommend this place more. Do not read the negative reviews. They are simply inaccurate. One was about walking around at night which we enjoyed as it is so beautiful however the staff is always circling in a cart to drive guests around if they do not want to walk.


we enjoyed the bliss of being accommodated in a forest setting. so many lizards and birds to see, plenty of places to walk, beautiful beaches, rock pools, mangrove’s etc. you could hangout and read a book in a hammock strung up between coconut trees and then drink a coconut rum cocktail out of the coconut by the pool. the restaurant was really cool, it had semi panoramic veiws of the cliffs and mountains falling into the coral sea. great massage. i also liked the cove.


The exclusivity and private bungalow per guest was very nicely laid out. With golf buggy’s available to take you around the property 24/7. Along with the beds in the rooms are so comfy, and to wake up to the birdlife is such a nice way to start your days. Really wish my partner and I had’ve booked longer to make the most of the whole Port Douglas area with so many tours/experiences & day trips on offer.


Incredibly peaceful property. Ideal place to detox, unwind, take in the local natural beauty of the rainforest and the beaches. Staff are very friendly and hospitable.. The Day Spa was as relaxing as it was timely to speed up the ability to unwind on our arrival. The team here are really good at what they do. Restaurant is super casual, but don’t let that fool you. The menus offered for lunch and dinner are sublime, quite Eurocentric in its presentation, but given it is so well done, it works. Memorable meals include the Sous Vide Duck, the freshly shucked oysters, the seafood used, the desserts - especially the panna cotta. There are a couple of rock pools on the property. if you use the one near the main building, you get to enjoy Crocodile Spring Rolls - which were a bit of fun to have with a cocktail. Prices are good value, rooms are set in beautiful natural areas - some with forest views, some with water views. Go for the water views if you can, it is worth it to wake up to it each morning. Port Douglas is a little over 15 minutes drive north, and Palm Cove about 30 minutes south.


This was an incredibly beautiful and soul-soothing place to stay. The decades of work the owner has put into rehabilitating this area is inspiring. The grounds were gorgeous, the cabin was beautiful (and we had one of the less expensive ones), the bed was comfortable and the staff were amazing. The restaurant was just gorgeous with a beautiful view. We saw some wallabies whilst walking around the property and plenty of what my husband now refers to as "reef chickens" building their mounds. I loved that there was a bit of a breeze there. The property is up a little higher than some areas around there.


Wow! I read some negative views and shortened my stay based upon they. I regret that. This was such a beautiful place. Waking up in the morning to the sounds of tropical birds was so relaxing. The staff were over the top with their hospitality. I cannot recommend this place more. Do not read the negative reviews. They are simply inaccurate. One was about walking around at night which we enjoyed as it is so beautiful however the staff is always circling in a cart to drive guests around if they do not want to walk.


we enjoyed the bliss of being accommodated in a forest setting. so many lizards and birds to see, plenty of places to walk, beautiful beaches, rock pools, mangrove’s etc. you could hangout and read a book in a hammock strung up between coconut trees and then drink a coconut rum cocktail out of the coconut by the pool. the restaurant was really cool, it had semi panoramic veiws of the cliffs and mountains falling into the coral sea. great massage. i also liked the cove.


The exclusivity and private bungalow per guest was very nicely laid out. With golf buggy’s available to take you around the property 24/7. Along with the beds in the rooms are so comfy, and to wake up to the birdlife is such a nice way to start your days. Really wish my partner and I had’ve booked longer to make the most of the whole Port Douglas area with so many tours/experiences & day trips on offer.



Private Road, Oak Beach, Port Douglas, 4871, オーストラリア

Thala Beach Nature Reserve